
2022 Hydraulic Transient Analysis for Detailed Design of Heritage Road Watermain | Region of Peel, ON, Canada

This project is to conduct a hydraulic transient (modelling) analysis for the detailed design of Heritage Road 600 mm watermain in the Region of Peel Ontario Canada. The objectives of the transient analysis are to evaluate the hydraulic transient-based risks for the sub-transmission main; to provide the maximum, minimum, and recommended design pressures for the sub-transmission main; and to confirm the requirements for combination air valves (CAVs) along the sub-transmission main. System pressures in the water systems are predominately controlled by water levels at the storage elements, system demand, and the amount of pumping at the key pumping stations. While there are numerous scenarios that can be derived from these and other system variables, 14 base analysis scenarios without surge protection and 4 additional scenarios with surge with surge protection are considered for the proposed 600 mm diameter Heritage Road sub-transmission main. The base analysis scenarios comprehensively

2021 Hydraulic Study for Peel Feedermain Emergency Shutdown | Region of Peel, ON, Canada

This project is to conduct a hydraulic analysis for the emergency shutdown of that portion of Peel Feedermain along Rutherford Road between Huntington Road and Pine Valley Drive for purposes of making repairs at its valve chambers located at Highway 27 and near Napa Valley Avenue, all of which is located in the City of Vaughan (Vaughan). Without this portion of the feedermain in service, there is no connectivity between Airport Road Pumping Station (PS) in the Regional Municipality of Peel (Peel) and the South Maple Reservoir in Vaughan.  The remaining demands deriving water from the Peel Feedermain, including the industrial lands west of Huntington Road as well as the communities of Kleinburg and Nashville are insufficient to allow for proper operation of the duty pumps at Airport Road PS. The overall location of the proposed watermain replacement is presented a hydraulic model layout in Figure 1. The primary objective of the hydraulic analysis is to predict the performance of key i

2022 Water Quality Maintenance Plan | City of Markham, ON, Canada

This project is to develop a Water Quality Maintenance Plan in the City of Markham for the purposes of ensuring that disinfectant residuals in the watermain system are maintained following its initial construction and commissioning.  This work is largely driven by the implementation of a large diameter (750Ø) trunk watermain along Warden Avenue extending northerly from Major Mackenzie Drive to Street E (see Figure 1 ), and for which there will be a relatively large volume of water with potentially little-to-no turnover until such time that sufficient demand is present in the system and/or connectivity to other parts of the City’s broader system is established. In this project, the residual disinfectant (total chlorine) concentration is determined as the minimum of the last week (7 days) of the 28-day simulation period. If the residual disinfectant concentration is at or below a threshold target (0.75 mg/L for the base case), an iterative process is followed to develop a flushing prog

2021 Transient Analysis for Detailed Design on Goreway Drive Zone 5 Watermains | Region of Peel, ON, Canada

This project is to conduct a hydraulic transient analysis for the proposed 750 mm diameter Zone 5 (Z5) watermain on Goreway Drive between Castlemore Road and Countryside Drive. The proposed 750 mm watermain will serve as a sub-transmission main and will be constructed of concrete pressure pipe (CPP) across a distance of approximately 3 km from Castlemore Road to Countryside Drive. The project also comprises the design of 300 mm and 200 mm diameter Zone 5 local distribution watermains on Goreway Drive with the lengths of approximately 710 m and 670 m, respectively. However, this transient analysis is limited to the proposed 750 mm sub-transmission main from Castlemore Road to Countryside Drive, and the objectives of the analysis is to: 1.         Evaluate the hydraulic transient-based risks for the sub-transmission main; 2.         Provide the maximum, minimum, and recommended design pressures for the sub-transmission main; and 3.         Confirm the requirements for combination a

2021 Hydraulic Transient Analysis for Hanlan 2400 mm Feedermain | Region of Peel, ON, Canada

This project is to conduct a hydraulic transient (modelling) analysis of the 2400 mm diameter Hanlan (HN2400) feedermain for current and near-term operating conditions. The HN2400 is a part of the Zone 2 East transmission system, which also comprises Arthur P. Kennedy (APK) WTP HLPS, Silverthorn LLPS, Hanlan Reservoir, and a series of additional transmission mains (feedermains) including: 2100 mm diameter Hanlan (HN2100), 1800 mm diameter Hanlan (HN1800), 1500 mm diameter Hanlan (HN1500), and 1200 mm diameter Hanlan (HN1200) feedermains. The overall locations of the Zone 2 water system including the feedermains are presented via a hydraulic model layout in Figure 1 . HN2400 is constructed using concrete pressure pipe (CPP) and it provides transmission capacity to the higher-pressure zones in Peel, as well as to the Region of York. The feedermain starts at APK WTP HLPS and conveys potable water across a distance of almost 15 km up to Hanlan Reservoir. The feedermain route comprises La

2021 Water Quality Model Calibration | City of Markham, ON, Canada

The City of Markham’s water distribution system is supplied through the Region of York transmission network with water derived from the City of Toronto and the Region of Peel. Accordingly, the City does not engage in treatment or disinfection operations as raw source water from Lake Ontario is treated by the supplying utilities prior to reaching the City’s system. Moreover, it is understood that the City of Toronto and Peel Region (as well as York Region, where necessary) typically use chloramination for secondary disinfection as it is less volatile (more stable) than chlorination alone, therefore maintaining a long-lasting disinfectant residual. This is particularly important in distribution systems, such as the York Region-Markham system, which may be subject to high water age from long residence times and potentially low turnover via processing through numerous storage facilities. To protect consumers from microbiological risk, the City monitors a wide range of water quality param

2021 Integrated Urban Water Master Plan | City of Vaughan, ON, Canada

This project is for the City of Vaughan to develop an Integrated Urban Water Master Plan Environmental Assessment Study (MPEA) to assess existing and planned urban water systems and establish a long-term strategy to provide safe, reliable and sustainable services to support revised growth projections, intensification and updates to Provincial, Regional and other City Master Plans. Population forecasts for York Region in the revised Provincial Growth Plan (2017) for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (Growth Plan), estimated residential and employment population is expected to reach 1.79 and 0.9 million respectively by 2041. Residential and employment populations were approximately 1.18 and 0.59 million respectively in 2016. It is anticipated the City of Vaughan will absorb a large proportion of this population increase. Additional to growth forecasts, the updated Growth Plan provides revised policies regarding land development, resource management and protection, and public money investmen