2021 Hydraulic Transient Analysis for Hanlan 2400 mm Feedermain | Region of Peel, ON, Canada

This project is to conduct a hydraulic transient (modelling) analysis of the 2400 mm diameter Hanlan (HN2400) feedermain for current and near-term operating conditions. The HN2400 is a part of the Zone 2 East transmission system, which also comprises Arthur P. Kennedy (APK) WTP HLPS, Silverthorn LLPS, Hanlan Reservoir, and a series of additional transmission mains (feedermains) including: 2100 mm diameter Hanlan (HN2100), 1800 mm diameter Hanlan (HN1800), 1500 mm diameter Hanlan (HN1500), and 1200 mm diameter Hanlan (HN1200) feedermains. The overall locations of the Zone 2 water system including the feedermains are presented via a hydraulic model layout in Figure 1.

HN2400 is constructed using concrete pressure pipe (CPP) and it provides transmission capacity to the higher-pressure zones in Peel, as well as to the Region of York. The feedermain starts at APK WTP HLPS and conveys potable water across a distance of almost 15 km up to Hanlan Reservoir. The feedermain route comprises Lakefront Promenade, Lakeshore Road, Dixie Road, Eastgate Parkway, Tomken Road, and Britannia Road East, and includes several tunnelled and open-cut sections. The feedermain was constructed via two design contracts: South section (construction Contracts 1 and 2; C1 and C2) from APK WTP HLPS to Eastgate Parkway, and North section (construction Contract 3; C3) from Eastgate Parkway to Hanlan Reservoir. The CPP pipe class varies from Class 15 to Class 24, and the nominal working and surge pressure ratings are plotted as HGLs in Figure 2.

The key objective of this focused analysis is to evaluate a range of potential transient pressures along the HN2400 feedermain during the current and near-term operating conditions. Specifically, the key objectives of this study are to:

1.     Model the HN2400, HN2100 and HN1800 feedermains as per the as-built drawings and as an integral part of the Zone 2 water system using the Region’s current/new InfoSurge model;

 2.       Review transient pressures recorded during ongoing HN2400 feedermain field pressure monitoring for C1 valve chamber 3 (VC3) at Dixie Road and Golden Orchard Drive and C3 VC10 at Dixie Road and Eastgate Parkway;

 3.       Review existing and potential transient pressures for the HN2400 feedermain before and after the proposed HN2100 shutdown, and with and without future HN2400-HN2100 interconnections; and

 4.       Present a range of transient pressure envelopes for number of current and near-term operating system scenarios and by considering pump start and power failure events.

Figure 1: Hydraulic model layout for the Region’s Zone 2 water system (model plan view), showing locations of key Zone 2 East feedermains and HN2400 feedermain monitoring locations

Figure 2: HN2400 feedermain profile showing nominal working and surge pressure ratings

Table: Transient analysis scenario details

Figure 3: Scenario 1 – HN2400 transient pressure envelope with HN2100 and HN2400 in service without interconnections, global power failure with HACs at APK HLPS

Figure 4: Scenario 1 – Transient pressure histories at APK Zone 2 HLPS discharge, C1 VC3 (Dixie & Golden Orchard), and C3 VC10 (Dixie & Eastgate) with HN2100 and HN2400 in service without interconnections, global power failure with HACs at APK HLPS


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