2020 System Curve and Transient Analysis at Anne Street Pumping Station | City of Barrie, ON, Canada

This project is to conduct a system (resistance) curve analysis and a hydraulic transient (surge) analysis for the proposed upgrades at Anne Street Booster Pumping Station (BPS) located at 164 Anne Street North, Barrie, Ontario.

The Anne Street Reservoir and BPS was originally constructed in 1959 and is located within Zone 1 of the City’s water distribution system. The existing BPS pumps water into Zone 2 North (2N) by three vertical turbine pumps. The station also formerly housed Zone 3N pumps, which were removed during a 1984 modification. The 2013 Water Storage and Distribution Master Plan by AMEC (Master Plan) and subsequent 2019 Master Plan update by WSP have identified the need for a second Zone 3 North (3N) pumping station at the Anne Street Reservoir site to provide supply redundancy, fire flow demand, and system reinforcement. A complete rebuild of the existing Zone 2N pumping station was also recommended as it is reaching the end of its serviceable life.

The first primary objective of this analysis is to model and develop a range of system (resistance) curves to aide in the selection of the proposed Zone 2N and Zone 3N pumps at Anne Street BPS. To this end, various hydraulic conditions (including demands, flows, pressures, etc.) are verified with a series of system curves for a range of operating conditions and system configurations based on the City’s most recent InfoWater hydraulic model. The second primary objective of this analysis is to complete a formal transient (surge) analysis in support of the proposed upgrades for the Anne Street Zone 2N and Zone 3N BPS. To this end, the transient analysis presents the maximum and minimum total (operating plus transient) pressures for the proposed Anne Street BPS and Zone 2N and Zone 3N distribution systems, and it provides guidance on the required surge protection for the Anne Street BPS. 

Figure 1: City’s InfoWater hydraulic model for the Zone 2N and Zone 3N water systems

Table 1: System curve analysis scenarios for Anne Street Zone 2N BPS

Figure 2: List of system curve analysis scenarios in the InfoWater hydraulic model

Figure 3: System curves for Anne Street Zone 2N BPS

Table 2: Transient analysis scenarios for Anne Street Zone 2N BPS

Figure 4: Scenario 1 – Anne Street Zone 2N BPS discharge pressure history, 2021 MHD global power failure, LWL-HWL, no surge protection

Figure 5: Scenario 1 – Maximum total/transient pressure (m), 2021 MHD global power failure, LWL-HWL, no surge protection


Figure 6: Scenario 1 – Minimum total/transient pressure (m), 2021 MHD global power failure, LWL-HWL, no surge protection

Figure 7: Scenario 1 – Transient head/pressure envelope profile from Anne Street Zone 2N BPS to Bayfield ET via 400 mm watermain


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