2021 Hydraulic Study for Peel Feedermain Emergency Shutdown | Region of Peel, ON, Canada

This project is to conduct a hydraulic analysis for the emergency shutdown of that portion of Peel Feedermain along Rutherford Road between Huntington Road and Pine Valley Drive for purposes of making repairs at its valve chambers located at Highway 27 and near Napa Valley Avenue, all of which is located in the City of Vaughan (Vaughan). Without this portion of the feedermain in service, there is no connectivity between Airport Road Pumping Station (PS) in the Regional Municipality of Peel (Peel) and the South Maple Reservoir in Vaughan.  The remaining demands deriving water from the Peel Feedermain, including the industrial lands west of Huntington Road as well as the communities of Kleinburg and Nashville are insufficient to allow for proper operation of the duty pumps at Airport Road PS. The overall location of the proposed watermain replacement is presented a hydraulic model layout in Figure 1.

The primary objective of the hydraulic analysis is to predict the performance of key infrastructure elements with the proposed temporary emergency shutdown of the Peel Feedermain. Since the Peel Feedermain represents a significant supply of water to York as a whole, this analysis is specifically to evaluate the risk of the emergency shutdown of Peel Feedermain and the capability of other water sources to replace the resulting deficit in York. The hydraulic modelling is completed using InfoWater and the analysis covers a range of operating scenarios (including variations in demand, pumping availability, flows and pressures, etc.).  

Figure 1: York’s InfoWater hydraulic model showing leaky coupling location and proposed emergency shutdown of the Peel Feedermain

Table 1: Hydraulic analysis groups and scenarios

Figure 2: List of analysis scenarios added to York’s InfoWater hydraulic model

Figure 3: Water level percentages (%) at South Maple Reservoir, South RH Reservoir, and Kleinburg ET for Scenario 0 (2021 ADD, 2 cells at South Maple Reservoir, 2 pumps running at Keele PD6 PS, and 2 pumps running at Bayview PD6 PS)

Figure 4: Maximum EPS pressures (psi) in Vaughan for Scenario 0 (2021 ADD, 2 cells at South Maple Reservoir, 2 pumps running at Keele PD6 PS, and 2 pumps running at Bayview PD6 PS)

Figure 5: Minimum EPS pressures (psi) in Vaughan for Scenario 0 (2021 ADD, 2 cells at South Maple Reservoir, 2 pumps running at Keele PD6 PS, and 2 pumps running at Bayview PD6 PS)


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