2019 Pressure District 7 Water Supply Redundancy Study | City of Markham, ON, Canada

 The Regional Municipality of York (York Region, or Region) supplies water to nine area municipalities, including the City of Markham (Markham)’s and the City of Richmond Hill (RH)’s water systems. In turn, Markham and RH deliver water to individual consumers. Markham’s PD7 water system is supplied by the Region’s system via a single transmission main from Elgin Mills Road East and Highway 404, from hereon referred to as the Elgin Mills watermain. As there is no redundancy to the area, the supply should not be interrupted. Owing to a lack of redundancy and future anticipated growth around 19th Avenue and Highway 404, Markham has proposed a short-term solution to loop a 300 mm watermain with RH’s 300 mm watermain across Highway 404 close to Mobius Drive, from hereon referred to as the Mobius Drive watermain. This short-term solution would be in place until a long-term solution is developed, funded, and constructed by the Region.

This study is to undertake a hydraulic analysis study to confirm the feasibility of the watermain looping across Highway 404. It collected and reviewed the existing hydraulic models, data and reports including design criteria, water demand, and peaking factors from all three municipalities. The existing hydraulic models were consolidated into a single integrated InfoWater hydraulic model of the local PD7 water system, including relevant PD7 pumping stations, storage facilities, transmission mains, and local distribution mains. The model has been then updated for existing and future (year 2031) conditions, including Average Day Demand (ADD), Maximum Day Demand (MDD), Peak Hour Demand (PHD), and MDD plus Fire Flow (FF). In addition, a flow balance has been undertaken for PD7 to verify water demands and their demand patterns using SCADA and field data in order to ultimately complete a macro-level model calibration of the PD7 water system model.

The study also provided the hydraulic analysis results for the PD7 system for different planning periods (i.e., existing and 2031), demand conditions (i.e., ADD, MDD, PHD, and MDD+FF), and system configurations (e.g., with/without the Mobius Drive watermain loop across Highway 404, number of operating pumps, reservoir levels, etc.). The level of Markham PD7 water supply redundancy was investigated if the water supply to Elgin Mills and Highway 404 area in Markham is lost or limited. Lastly, the impact on water quality (i.e., water age) from the proposed Mobius Drive watermain connection between RH and Markham was considered.

Figure 1: Schematic of water supply to Markham via Mobius Drive watermain only (Scheme #3)

Figure 2: List of available scenarios in the integrated PD7 InfoWater model

Table 1: Summary of hydraulic analysis pressure results for Scheme #1


Figure 3: Scenario 1 – Resulting pressure (psi) under existing ADD conditions without RHPS or EVPS and with reservoir LLs



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