
Showing posts from June, 2021

2021 Hydraulic Transient Analysis for Hanlan 2400 mm Feedermain | Region of Peel, ON, Canada

This project is to conduct a hydraulic transient (modelling) analysis of the 2400 mm diameter Hanlan (HN2400) feedermain for current and near-term operating conditions. The HN2400 is a part of the Zone 2 East transmission system, which also comprises Arthur P. Kennedy (APK) WTP HLPS, Silverthorn LLPS, Hanlan Reservoir, and a series of additional transmission mains (feedermains) including: 2100 mm diameter Hanlan (HN2100), 1800 mm diameter Hanlan (HN1800), 1500 mm diameter Hanlan (HN1500), and 1200 mm diameter Hanlan (HN1200) feedermains. The overall locations of the Zone 2 water system including the feedermains are presented via a hydraulic model layout in Figure 1 . HN2400 is constructed using concrete pressure pipe (CPP) and it provides transmission capacity to the higher-pressure zones in Peel, as well as to the Region of York. The feedermain starts at APK WTP HLPS and conveys potable water across a distance of almost 15 km up to Hanlan Reservoir. The feedermain route comprises La