
Showing posts from December, 2020

2020 Hydraulic Transient Analysis for the Lake-Based Water Facilities and Transmission System | Region of Peel, ON, Canada

  The Region's water transmission system is a large and complex network consisting of low-lift and high-lift pumping at the water treatment plants and pumping stations and floating storage at reservoirs and elevated tanks. The lake-based system is divided into seven pressure zones, with pumping to upper zones separated by West, Central and East zone areas. East-West hydraulic connectivity and transfer/transmission capacity is maintained in several of the zones. Water is presently pumped throughout the system via two (2) water treatment plants (WTPs) and eleven thirteen (131) pumping stations (PSs), excluding those at the WTPs.   Storage facilities include two (2) clear wells at the treatment facilities, four (4) elevated tanks (ETs) and eleven twelve (121) reservoirs. One additional ET and two additional reservoirs are planned for the future. The system comprises approximately 200 kilometres of transmission mains ranging in diameter from 600 mm to 2400 mm. Transmission and sub-tran

2020 Hydraulic Transient Analysis for Stewart Road Booster Pumping Station | Town of Collingwood, ON, Canada

This project is to conduct a hydraulic transient (surge) analysis for the proposed Stewart Road Booster Pumping Station (BPS) located on Stewart Road at Sixth Street, Collingwood, Ontario. The Town is undertaking the design and construction of upgrades for Stewart Road Reservoir and BPS, as well as a new 400 mm diameter watermain along Sixth Street from Georgian Meadows Drive to Tenth Line and along Tenth Line from Sixth Street to Mountain Road. The proposed BPS is required to allow further development in the central area of pressure zone 2 (Zone 2), and the proposed facility will initially service existing and Phase I water demands as per the Master Plan. The facility is also being designed such that it can be expanded in the future to service the Phase II water demands as per the Master Plan. The primary objective of this analysis is to complete a formal transient (surge) analysis in support of the design of Stewart Road BPS and to consider its impact on Zone 2. To this end, the tran